Thursday, 27 October 2011

Inspiration Comes Quicker

"Inspiration comes quicker, when you step out to meet it"

Let me ask you a question...."When was the last time you felt moved, or inspired by anything?. To take action for something....? To create, produce or implement, based on.....? Do you even recognise 'inspiration' when it arrives - the form it takes, and what its supposed to look like?"
How do we know when to act on something, when we don't necessarily know what to look for, and when it doesn't shout out to us, with 'bells & whistles'?

About 3 years ago, I wrote a wee article in direct relation to this very topic of inspiration - In that piece, I used a very simple analogy of a seedling to better illustrate this point.
If you place a newly potted seedling in a darkened area of the house, where very little natural light got through. What usually happens, in these conditions, are 2 things.

1) It would be starved of vital life-giving nutrients, photosynthesis would not take place, therefore, the seedling would eventually wilt away, if neglected for an extended period.

2) Or,.... it would gravitate toward the specs of light, by bending its stem, and positioning itself in direct line to that flow of sun stream. Effectively reaching out to align better with the natural universal source. It is strongly influenced to grow in focused alignment - 'inspired', if you like, to seek out and find that, which it is naturally destined for. Creative Growth. In this example, 'inspiration' is catalyst for change, and the resulting actions, are focused shifts of pin-point alignment.

Heres that small article, if you'd like to read it.
Visit my Bebo Blog about Creativity!

When you view things, in these terms, you can soon begin to see how so many of us have lost our 'inspiration', and 'our way', in darkened crevices. And how frustration tended to get in the way, and distract our energies, rather than to focus on what gives us the most joy, the most growth.

We tend to forget that, EVERYONE is born with a great level of natural magnetism. An ability to bring to us, all that was required to ensure and sustain balance. But, gradually over the years, and as we grow, the magnet becomes either diluted and overwhelmed with negative experiences, - or, strengthened and overpowered by positive ones.

What is interesting, is that, its largely the negative experiences, throughout one's life, which have strengthened resolve most, in the opposite direction, maximising positive magnetic pull in favour of those, who were once down-trodden, or completely written-off.
The seedling's stem is re-inforced with double-strength determination, to survive and take control of further challenges, and to 'take off' in the direction of growth it was meant for.

Interesting how life has a way of re-correcting itself, and to re-align the magnetic points toward 'true magnetic north' - And of identifying those whose own adversity became their 'saving grace' and, strongest points of true and unique difference.

Allowing yourself to explore diversity, in and around, will further guide you to your next level of innate evolution - Inspiration doesn't sit still for no-one, sometimes you have to step out to meet it....and if you understand how it works, positioning yourself in its path, will enable you to receive inspired instruction and road map, to navigate through safely and surely, to what will be a better and greater future, not only for yourself, but for others.

In amongst the noise of the world, there at least is a worthy sound that emanates....That sound is called HOPE !!
And there are many who deliver it.

Thankfully, all is NEVER lost !

Another development, which is utilising my new health and wellbeing focus, together with my love of ART and design, has culminated in this project. Please, check this out. It will be an ongoing development, as I will further align it to a much larger vision, of global networking growth for all-round positive change. Come visit my store on CafePress!

How you can support this site, and its overall vision, growth and development, is to simply order an item.
By doing so, you are greatly helping to assist me, in making a worthy difference to improving the future of others. And, you become proud owner of a very *exclusive* & unique custom item. Which, hopefully can become a 'collectors' item, eventually.

I'm inspired to action, and want to contribute in making a positive difference!

NEXT POST :: >>>> ** Creative Foundation Moving Forward **  

PREVIOUS POST :: >>>> ** Go With What You Know **  

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