Tuesday, 17 May 2011



Hopefully this statement helps *anyone* to continue forging ahead with whatever goals they've set in place for themselves...

So, what is a Dream..??
Its defined as a 'mental activity'...'an imagined series of events, occurring during sleep'...

Ok,with that said, heres my take on it..

So,...much like, un-scr i pted stories of surreal movies, where locations & performances are improvised, dreams occupy the spaces of our deep mind-time, as we lay still, & quiet, for hours on end, a captive audience of one, in our own exclusive picture theatres. And as we sleep, we watch the images unfold, & play out scenes, from our imaginery movie trailer, with pristine cinematic clarity..of times & places both familiar & not...And sometimes the random clips star 'ourselves' & those we know, other times they show relative newcomers to our big 'dream' screen....who just make cameo appearances for some future reference of sorts...Action, drama, suspense, comedy, sci-fi, in fact, a virtual catalogue of nameless titles, we have a lifetime to see....
All of which, of course, is meant to hold some deeper layer of meaning to each situational phase of our own personal life cycles...where if you have a good memory to recall the dream, upon waking, or note it down, then it can be analysed for further clarification, for either healing purposes, or more spiritual growth, or , even just for general awareness, of how it relates to daily living, by those who are specialised in the interpretations of them...

But, heres the *dreaming*, i'm mainly referring to...

When we're awake, a dream can be described as 'a cherished hope' or something 'wonderful'...& is akin to 'aspiration' meaning 'strong desire or aim'...Both 'dream & 'aspiration' are words synonymous with 'hope', in that they all mainly mean..'an expectation of something desired'...
A desired dream can be contained as an 'imagination', an 'ability to make mental images of things not present', also known as a vision. Sometimes the vision is ingrained in ones mind, as in 'visualization', of an ideal, or a goal...of something yet to be realised, or made real. Something once dormant, but, brought forward from obscurity to the fore of everyday reality...made real, by the physical dimensions its given to coexist, in the here & now,..& because it then exists, outside of the imagination, it now has innate power within its own form, to continue attracting to it...but, still with guidance of the dreamer..
So, do dreams have power in themselves?..Everything has elements of power & energy in them.. The 'dreamer' has it too...For reasons, to propell the 'dream' into existence..& to continue with its growth in its new physical reality...And i believe, based on the strength of the dreamer, & their dream, this determines the extent of how far that travels & extends...

A case in point is J. K. Rowling, with her 'imagined' character Harry Potter, someone she had visualized, while on a train trip from Manchester to London, in 1990... And thereafter, with the eventual publishing of her series of books. Was the entire extent of her success based on good luck, good management & good timing ?...Some might think so, but, when you've only to read the content of the books themselves...The power of the *dream* was in them.!!, her dream, her imagination !..& the rest is, of course, literary & movie history....& now, shes living a 'whole dream'.
And much like a great novel, with interesting characters, & great depth, a dream has to have a begining, a middle, & an outcome...so, focused visualization is a key component in this process, & can be the difference between bringing an imagination, or vision to successful & enduring life, or just keeping it as a hidden treasure, never to see the light of day....& never knowing what it could have meant to anyone...for having never taken that chance to make it real....Another thing to remember is, 'imagination doesn't recognise limitation'... so, you're only ever limited by your own 'scope'...

And, is it then, fair to say that one will feel unfulfilled, if they don't 'become' their whole dream, or 'live' their whole dream ?..Its fair, if it has relevance in one's life...If a person has expectations of themselves which are not presently realised in their current situation, & if its acknowledged that they're settling for well below what they know they can achieve, based on their abilities to perform to much higher standards & levels, then yes, its a fair enough statement....So then, actions need to be taken, to find the spark of inspiration to light the wik of imagination, to explode the vision...so you can see clearer your 'dream'...
So, with whatever abilities you're blessed with, i say, use it to the best of your knowledge, to further propell your long-held dreams & to give it the energy it deserves....to see you, where you believe, you should be...

And finally, how many other countless millions of 'dreamers'...over the centuries both past & present...including...inventors, writers, poets, artists, musicians, actors, directors, designers, journalists, teachers, engineers, architects, athletes, academics, healers, philosophers, leaders, etc, etc...have dotted the landscape with their 'imaginations'...forever leaving their indelible mark on the history of the world, & having made their dreams, part of our realities because they believed..?

The world was built by dreamers.

So, hopefully this has inspired a spark of genius in all of us, to leave a great and lasting legacy too ! And to never give up your dream.

(I wrote this blog (above) back in 13/10/08 - on another site..& wanted to share it again, in here)

SEE NEXT POST :: >>>> ** Finally Building My Own Website !! **  

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